our tribe. we build and launch products, sing carnatic music and climb mountains.

Alisha Mohanty

Alisha Mohanty

Alisha is Neo incarnate; she visualises the world in code. She was first drawn to programming because of how logical it was. Today, she is driven by the idea that the code she writes can make a difference in someone’s life.

Alisha is an open source enthusiast. As an Outreachy intern, she worked on the Fedora project. Since then, she has been a Google Code-In mentor, GirlScript mentor, helping new folks get acquainted with working on open source projects, guiding them with beginner-friendly resources, as well as reviewing PRs. She loves introducing people (and women in particular) to programming, and has spoken at various conferences. Alisha is a big believer in the power of community.

Alisha joined us with experience working at uncopied.art and Accenture.

She loves music, and can be seen strumming the ukulele to her favourite songs. She is partial to old Bollywood songs, though lofi is her latest goto. :)